At the point when we talk about Ashtanga Yoga, it merits explaining that, from one viewpoint, we typically allude to the style or arrangement of training of asanas spread by the expert Sri Pattabhi Jois. Nonetheless, on a more proper level, Ashtanga Yoga is the arrangement of eight stages or trains remembered for the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the old-style text that is viewed as the focal guide of all yoga schools.
As indicated by this work, the thorough and consistent checking of the eight stages of yoga permits the yogi to quiet the vacillations of the psyche, clean the body lastly arrive at the illumination or the condition of yoga. Thusly, the way of yoga isn't restricted to the arrangement of asanas practiced on the tangle, however, the objective of each expert must be to do an indispensable practice that moves to various parts of life. Just through the refinement of every one of the eight stages can freedom at long last be reached.
8 steps of Ashtanga yoga are as follows :
These are good codes or practices that permit us to live in congruity with ourselves and inside society.
There are five:
Ahimsa: Give up a viciousness.
Satya: Defend and come clean.
Asteya: Be straightforward, don't take.
Brahmacharya: Control the energy and not waste it.
Aparigraha: Live with separation.
They are codes or practices that cleanse the relationship we build up with ourselves.
There are additionally five:
Saucha: Clean the body, the brain, and the word.
Santosha: Enjoy life. Appreciate it in the entirety of its angles.
Tapas: Live with severity and order.
Svadyaya: Cultivate self-information.
Ishvara Pranidhana: Practice commitment, administration to the god.
This is the actual piece of the yoga practice, in which we practice the body and with the breath, we concentrate the psyche through a progression of stances searching for balance, security, strength, adaptability, and simplicity of solace.
It is the arrangement of practices identified with the control and development of essential energy or prana. It works through breath with different techniques for fluctuating trouble and power. Typically, these are practices that unwind, animate, or settle.
This is the act of mental yoga through the control of the faculties, which is accomplished through different activities. It comprises of killing the data sources that come from the faculties, disengaging from outer data, and concentrating on what occurs inside, both truly and intellectually. The arrangements of asanas are drilled with this aim all through the meeting so our psyche remains in the present time and place.
Fixation. At the point when we take the consideration internal, we regularly find the measure of actual uneasiness or musings that enter our thoughts without rest. To start to stop this variance, we utilize distinctive fixation methods, attempting to become accustomed to it and figuring out how to take all our focus towards a specific point. One generally works fixing the brain on a faithful article, similar to a flame, a bloom, a mantra, or a mandala, to evade that it gets occupied.
The contemplation. At the point when we figure out how to keep up the progression of consideration without interruptions for quite some time, we go into a condition of reflection, in which the psyche stays fixed. It includes building up our seeing awareness and turning out to be spectators of ourselves, of our brain, consistently.
It is the last condition of acknowledgment or incomparable awareness that is reached through a condition of profound reflection, in which the actual body has risen above. We certainly liquefy into one. We become one with the All, arriving at the information on the Absolute.